Welcome, I am glad You’re Here

Are you searching for something that will help you better understand yourself, your relationships, and your past?

Are you struggling with self-care, boundary setting, people pleasing, or advocating for yourself with others?

Do you experience intrusive thoughts or memories about bad things that happened to you in the past?

Do you ever feel a sense of loneliness, or emptiness, but you don’t know why?

Have you experienced talk therapy, but have not found the meaningful change you were looking for?

Do you ever wonder what life would look like if healing were possible?

If so, trauma-focused therapy can help.

I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 13 years of experience supporting those healing from stressful or traumatic life events. Whether you are navigating the continued impact of trauma from your past, or you are experiencing something painful currently, I am here to help. I specialize in supporting adults healing from trauma, including childhood abuse or neglect, intimate partner violence, and medical traumas/grief and loss (navigating a life-threatening illness, caring for a dying loved one, grief and mourning after loss), or intersectional traumas related to racism, homophobia, misogyny or other forms of oppression.

In my practice, I offer evidence-based practices such as EMDR therapy to support trauma healing. I practice both in-person or virtually via a secure telehealth platform. I practice relationally with an emphasis on creating trust, safety, and mutual collaboration. I utilize an IFS-informed EMDR approach, which means I will help you to welcome and become curious about the parts of you which may be holding pain related to your past, as well as those protective parts that have helped you to survive.

In therapy, I hope to help you reconnect with and reclaim your truest, most authentic self. I hope to empower you to heal from and overcome the past. Together we can aim to change your life for the better because you deserve to feel worthy of healing.

My Approach

My approach is inclusive and relational in nature. I believe therapy should be affirming, culturally responsive, and trauma informed. I will meet you where you are and be a nurturing support as you work towards achieving your goals. I look forward to having the opportunity to explore with you if my practice could be a good fit for your current needs.

In trauma therapy, EMDR and other trauma-focused healing approaches can be used in weekly therapy, intensive therapy (multiple hours per week over a shorter period of time), or adjunctly (in addition to other general therapies).

I offer a free 15-minute consultation to discuss your treatment goals, and my specialties and therapeutic orientation, to determine if I am the best person to support you on your healing journey.


I will support you in exploring the difficult emotions you are facing and will work collaboratively with you towards building a more meaningful and fulfilling life. I believe the therapy space should be a place where you will feel safe, seen, valued, and accepted. I hope to help you achieve an improved sense of self-worth, freedom, and joy through healing wounds that continue to impact you in the present day. I believe our work together can be an avenue towards greater insight, self-awareness, healing, and growth.

Many of my clients are adults who have experienced:

Childhood trauma including abuse, neglect, attachment-related wounds, or painful family of origin relationships

Sexual assault or intimate partner violence

Witnessing domestic violence in childhood

Traumatic grief or significant loss

Coping with the trauma of an end of life or chronic illness, or those who are caregiving for a dying or chronically ill loved one

Painful relational traumas such as divorce, partner loss, or loss of a child

Trauma/grief related to racism, homophobia, misogyny, and relationship violence; Intersectional and intergenerational traumas

I am also passionate about supporting trauma-informed therapists and other healthcare professionals through their own personal therapy, supervision, or consultation to explore themes related to vicarious trauma, self-care, professional goal setting, and personal trauma history exploration